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꼬마 작가들의 NatGeo 국제 사진 콘테스트 2016 수상작

by nGroovy 2017. 2. 4.

6살 ~ 14살의 꼬마 작가들의 놀라운 사진들을 감상해보세요.

Grand Prize Winner (International)

By Dewi Baggerman, 11살, 네덜란드

(Also won 1st Place, Dare to Explore)

Grand Prize Winner (United States)

Owning the Stage

By Kate Anderson, 12살, 미국

(Also won 1st Place, Weird But True)

1st Place Winners (International)

By Maj Kastelic, 13살, 슬로베니아

(Amazing Animals)

By Sanya Jain, 12살, 인도

(Wild Vacation)

Pan Yinzhi, 13살, 중국

(Weird But True)

1st Place Winners (United States)


By David Hopkins, 13살, 미국

(Amazing Animals)

Zip-line Adventure

By Ryan Hughes, 13살, 미국

(Wild Vacation)

Mystic Gates

By Riley Harlan, 12살

(Dare to Explore)

2nd Place Winners (United States)

Prairie Kiss

By Frey Youssef, 12살, 미국

(Amazing Animals)

Dromedaries on Diani

By Piers Nicklin, 12살, 미국

(Wild Vacation)

Archway to Cesky Krumlov

By Alexia Saigh, 14살, 미국

(Dare to Explore)

Underwater Basketball

By Josephine Goldman, 13살, 미국

(Weird But True)

Honorable Mentions

By Jennifer Jayne Evans Koumbatis, 10살, 네덜란드

(Amazing Animals)

By Devananda Hardi, 7살, 인도네시아

(Weird But True)



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